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"Voici lenvers du décor, se qui se passe sur les channel IRC pendant que tout le monde se réjouit du CFW 3.55 de Geohot et du patch de Flukes1. Malheureusement tout nest pas si rose.
Cest leuphorie depuis que Flukes1 a sortit son patch du LV2 intégrant peek & poke mais il se trouve que ce patch contient des bugs. Des bugs sérieux sur lesquels ils ont travailler la nuit dernière avec Dean, lauteur de multiMAN.
Ensuite ils en ont découvert un peu plus sur la méthode anti-patchage du LV2 de Geohot, méthode qui perturbe tous ce quils sont en train de faire sur le LV2. Remarque cétait un peu prévu après tout les discours de Geohot a propos du LV2. Mathieulh a voulu intervenir pour parler de la sécurité de la PS3, mais il y a eu un drame inutile avec BazGee qui la poussé a quitter le chan.
Hermes a voulu aider mais Flukes1 na pas prêter attention à sa « main tendue ».
Et puis enfin Flukes1 termine en disant quil veut désormais intégrer les fonctions peek & poke dans le LV1.
if you have a good reason
my anti lv2 patching isnt just anti piracy
0×8000000000332980 -> 0x8000000000464d60 loaded as rw
if thats enforced, it makes things more difficult
so yeah the best sc to use are 200/201
though I have to check if they didnt somehow implement them in 3.55
if you have him though, you could add some peek and poke hypercalls to lv1 while you are at it
yes dev_usb000 would work but thats just one restriction, now I am going to stop talking about it cause itll piss flukes1 otherwise
and its not like its my chan (or many people talk in it right now
im not saying it to be a dick, just want to keep this channel focused on 1 thing at a time
they wouldnt want some lamer at sony to actually encrypt a lv2 with control flags allowing hackers like us to pwn it eh ?
here is the whole thing
shut the fuck up please
take the drama elsewhere
he started it and he is pissing me off
I am half hesitating to leave that chan already because he has voice on it
well niak as long as this douchebag can speak here I am off that chan, later
krosk Hermes wants to help flukes1, but he wont get in on the chan. flukes1, there could be some help on peek/poke
ive been getting spammed about hermes for the past hour
its not lv1_shutdown_logical_partition
we just need to figure out which one is causing the shutdown
flukes1 try to send me LV2 kernel i will add all jailbreak patch correctely and send you back the files
flukes1: this maybe obvious but it cannot be comparing original self file data to the in mem
well no
it must compute the hash when the self is loaded
it must hash itself on startup
that or lv1 is responsible
i think we should be looking at hvcalls
we know any shutdown has to go through hv
i am pretty sure that lv1_write_virtual_uart is whats causing the shutdown
16bd8 = hvsc instruction which causes shutdown
time for sleep
tomorrow we patch peek/poke into lv1
Voilà de quoi vous faire réfléchir avant de vous lancer tête baissée sur les premiers PUP qui sortent le net. Ils ne sont pas au point, buggué et présente même des problèmes de sécurités.
Au passage Geohot vient de modifier ses outils et voici son dernier commit sur son git
undisclosed security vulnerability fixed"
Ce message a été modifié par coolfr - 11 January 2011 - 22:12.