La Team FSD continue ses updates plus rapprochés et nous livre ce soir la Release Candidate 1.5 de leur dashboard alternatif baptisé FreeStyle Dash . Si vous avez déjà installé la release de la semaine précedente vous pouvez effectuer la mise à jours via l'auto updater. Sinon lisez ce qui suit :
1) Si vous avez une précédente version de FSD installée faites un backup et supprimer là (IMPORTANT).
Ne pas lancer ceci depuis un CD/DVD puisque il requiert un accès d'écriture aux jeux.
2) Décompressez et mettez le contenu sur votre XBOX 360 MU / HDD / USB.
3) Lancer le default.xex en utilisant votre méthode préférée. (Dashlaunch, XeXmenu, Etc)
a) Ajouter le chemin d'accès aux jeux(avec manage path) dans les paramètres (setting menu), et lisez la note attentivement avant de vous plaindre.
*** NOTE ***
Au premier scan, laisser le s'effectuer complétement le scan/download content, ne pas l'interrompre, rebooter la console ou trop jouer avec FSD.
Si une erreur apparait il est préférable de tout effacer et de recommencer depuis le début.Tous les scans seront par la suite stables et rapides.
Vous pouvez presser R3 (clique avec le stick droit) pour voir ce qui se passe dans la barre des status
Il y a un server FTP et un webserver inclus dans FSD 2.0-Beta, utiliser xbox comme user et password pour le FTP.
Le web serveur sera http://votre ip
Il ne s'agit toujours pas d'une version finale, des bugs peuvent exister si vous en rencontrer et êtes capable de les reproduire merci de visiter les forums de la Team( et de les décrire ainsi que de fournir le crash log.
Changelog :
Freestyle Dash rc1.5 (xex R2032, skin R2032) changelog
(Fixed) Issue where unavailable button presses would still produce action in saved game scene
(Added) Kinect Blue Preview Images
(Added) Kinect Gray Icons to KinectBlue Icon List / Requires Data/Skins folder deletion
(Fixed) Astroboy placeholder in copyDVD now says Preparing Operation
(Added) All the options to the SQL Database and made them work.
(Added) Settings for download restrictions, http security bypass, and http username/password
(Added) Set Screenshot Path import
(Fixed) a few warnings
(Fixed) up fsd data paths, and setup screenshots
(Removed) ScnAvatarRenderer from project
(Updated) ScnTeamFSD to new Avatar Renderer format
(Fixed) Issue where recently played stopped working after 10 games
(Updated) iRenderObserver to not require all functions
(Updated) SignInMonitor to be more proper and handle direct profile switching
(Fixed) Gamer Pic not always displaying properly
(Fixed) Screenshots and Debuglog not saving properly to PC from HTTPServer
(Added) New AvatarRenderer class
(Fixed) Mixed Marketplace Urls for Screenshots - all screenshots should work again
(Fixed) Container and Xbox Classic Icon Not Returning When Refreshing Assets
(Fixed) Signin Flag on ScnMain
(Added)File type check to http for supported file types
(Updated)Embeded Scns (ManagePaths/Updater) buttons remain hidden unless they have focus
(Fixed)Back button crash on ManagePaths
(Fixed) USBMU scan paths
(Fixed) USBMU Title Update Paths
(Fixed) CopyDVD Bug
(Added) Test for USBMU serial
(Added) kinect flags in xex
(Fixed) Game List Title Token to display based on configs
(Added) Connection to Settings for HTTPBypassSecurity
(Added) More Scene Title Customization for HTTP Server (to match game list)
(Added) Ability to customize gamelist captions within skin.xml
(Updated)Replace SS now knows the proper index to replace
(Added)Check to make sure img is loaded before trying to add/replace
(Added) Ability to add screenshots up to set maximum in HTTP Webserver
(Added) Ability to replace screenshots in HTTP Webserver
(Added) Media id is injected into containers that are made with iso2god
(Added) Made settings work (without saving)
(Added)Forms for Screenshot management on http
(Added)Fullsize link to Screenshot preview image
(Added) Asset Download Options (scene interface only- SQL back-end incomplete)
(Added) Ability to download Preview Videos from MarketPlace, currently no way to view them.
(Added) Screenshot / Trainer Manager icons
(Added) Ability skeleton to replace and add screenshots for available content
(Fixed) Bad bug causing xbox to hard freeze
(Added) Limit of 20 Screenshots
(Added) Method to bypass security- setting needs to be done for it
(Added) Screenshot Viewing To HTTP Webserver
(Fixed) Importing existing TUs into system.
(Added) New Title Update engine to handle new Title Updates
(Updated) Moved Manage Paths inside Settings
(Updated)Setting Scn transitions to remove flicker
(Added) Kai Metrics Icon (Equinox)
(Added) Completely Revamped Settings (Wondro)
(Fixed) httpserver crash on debug listing content table
(Changed) ftp server no longer prevents default.xzp overwrite (quickfix)
(Increased) Speed of initial gui loading.
(Added) 3 Configurable Game Background Transition Effects
(Added) Transparent To Game Background Fade In
(Added) Black To Game Background Fade In
(Added) Game Background slide in transition
(Fixed) FTP issue (rarto360 should work again)
(Fixed) Drumkit Screenshot Spamming
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