Le Flash du lecteur de la Slim prend du plomb dans l'aile
Posté 13 novembre 2010 - 12:07
Posté 13 novembre 2010 - 12:58
pack kinect 250gb et 4gby a moyen de reconnaitre les lecteurs en
FW . 0225 sans ouvrir la console ??? ( date de fabrication, ou autre .... )
aprés j'ai beau regarder le gencod sur le carton aucune info sur la date de fab.
Modification et réparation console dans le 76 et le 27
CFW, XKEY, RGH, Linkers, etc....
plus de 10 ans d'expériences à votre service
Posté 13 novembre 2010 - 16:14
Flash Inside
Modification de consoles de jeux sur Rennes
Posté 13 novembre 2010 - 18:29
Posté 13 novembre 2010 - 21:08
- obiwankenobis aime ceci
Posté 14 novembre 2010 - 00:37
on parle de 50-100 pieces minimum
Posté 14 novembre 2010 - 13:45
Alors, j'en ai fait mon métier...
Si en plus je peu jouer avec...
Posté 16 novembre 2010 - 16:48
Geremia: yes, if i'm the only one out here with a locked spi flash
Geremia, why would c4eva state it can be done if it cant? Why would he conjure up a lie like that and blatantly say YES if it cannot be done? He writes the firmware, so im guessing he knows what he's talking about.
Geremia: There are more than one possibility, if you need some speculations.
I'm not telling he lies, the conditonal statement i added could be true.
As i writed times ago, there is a cmd to lock the flash to a permanent readonly, could be my drive received this cmd by someone else (i don't know the history of this drive i've).
C4E is mostly a software guy, you have to ask someone else in that crew about any locked 0225 drive.
Maybe the drive is not locked at begin, maybe some anti-tampering function in 0225 fw locked my flash after i connected to pc, but i've not a 0225 fw to know for sure, and sincerely i don't care too much, i've no promise to keep.
Donc que dites vous ????
Posté 16 novembre 2010 - 17:28
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