Surtout enregistrez vos clefs sur le site !!!!
C'est important il comptabilise le nombre de personne nécessitant les updates !
Exemple s'il ne comptabilise que 0.5% de personnes voulant faire l'update. ils ne feront plus l'effort d'en faire c'est logique ! donc enregistrez vos clefs !
Voici un de leurs post présent sur psx scene :
This is in regards to uploading update files from PS3Key....
"The PS3Key updates are not serial specific so the files people have put on other websites will work fine. However, we'd obviously rather that people registered their chip with us and downloaded the file from our site and then we can guarantee that the update file hasn't been tampered with and we get useful stats about how popular updates really are. for example, if only 0.5% of people who buy a PS3Key register and download the update, then maybe we don't need to be too serious about updates because nobody cares!"
So if you have not received your serial number, contact the seller.