Mise à jour de JungleFlasher avec comme principales nouveautés:
- support de PortIo 64bit
- Chargement automatique des firmwares 1.61
- ajout de l'auto-spoof pour les hiachi.
Firmtool Engine
Finally re-coded firmtool engine correctly
- full support for encrypted lite-on, source and target
- easier support for cross spoofingPort IO
Using Schtrom's driver portIO driver, which includes 64bit support.iXtreme 1.61 for lite-on
Will autoload iX 1.61 for LiteonHitachi Support
Added new spoofing method for Hitachi. "Auto Spoof", will spoof inquiry and key
on the fly directly from source buffer. Will use existing file or request for
load if empty.KeyDB Viewer
New keyDB, right click source tab.
Modifié par frozeus, 01 janvier 2010 - 21:44.