Pour info, une carte type R4 est bien sur nécessaire !
(Testé sur DSi et R4i)
- Prérequis : mencoder, mplayer et mpeg_stat
Installation de mplayer en mencoder :
sudo apt-get install mencoder mplayer
Installation de mpeg stat :
cd ~/Bureau && wget http://shortrip.org/public/nds/mpeg_stat && sudo mv ~/Bureau/mpeg_stat /usr/bin
sudo chown $USER /usr/bin/mpeg_stat
chmod +x /usr/bin/mpeg_stat
- Création du script de lancement :
Créer un fichier (peut importe ne nom)
cd /donnees/dsi (dans mon cas)
vi conversion.sh
copiez ceci :
#Emplacement du repertoire ou seront stockes les fichiers convertis, et du script de conversion, (chemin absolu !)
#on se place dans le dossier contenant le script dpgconv
cd $repCible
#on lance le traitement (--hq = high quality,
$scriptConversion --hq "$1"
#on ouvre dolphin (peut etre remplacé par nautilus) dans le dossier contenant le fichier créé
dolphin $repCible
Enregistrer le fichier :
Echap , :x
Rendre le fichier executable :
chmod +x conversion.sh
- Création du script de conversion :
vi dpgconv-8-fr.py
copiez ceci :
#! /usr/bin/python
# DPG Converter by Anton Romanov © 2006
# released under GPL-2
"""A script to transcode video files to DPG format suitable for
Nintendo DS ™
dpgconv.py file1 file2 file3 ... fileN
command line options:
0,1,2 sets DPG version.. default is DPG2
sets pixel format, default is 3
0 RGB15
1 RGB18
2 RGB21
3 RGB24
high quality video
low quality video(takes no effect when --hq,-q is set)]
default is normal quality
-v,--vbps xxx
sets video stream bps in kb/s(default: 256)
-a,--abps xxx
sets audio stream bps kb/s (default: 128)
-f,--fps xx
sets video frames per second (default:15)
sets audio frequency (default:32000)
2 - stereo, 1 - mono
default is to leave as is unless input audio channels
number is bigger then 2 ... then default is stereo
--aid n
use audio track n
--height xxx
destination video height
--width xxx
destination video width
additional parameters for mencoder for video
additional parameters for mencoder for audio
Hardcoding subtitles
do no try autoloading of subtitles
(default is to try to load subtitle with matching filename)
--sub,-s xxx
Specify subtitles for hardcoding into video output
(is obviously only usable if you specify one file at a time)
--sid n
use subtitle track n
--subcp xxx
specify subtitles encoding
--font xxx
specify font for subtitles
--font ~/arial-14/font.desc
--font ~/arialuni.ttf
--font 'Bitstream Vera Sans'
You can specify font, subcp and other additional mencoder parameters in
import sys, os, optparse
#Print a help message if requested.
if "-h" in sys.argv or "-help" in sys.argv or "--help" in sys.argv:
print __doc__
raise SystemExit
def cleanup_callback(a,:
print "Suppression des fichiers temporaires"
if os.path.lexists ( MPGTMP ):
os.unlink ( MPGTMP )
if os.path.lexists ( MP2TMP ):
os.unlink ( MP2TMP )
if os.path.lexists ( HEADERTMP ):
os.unlink ( HEADERTMP )
if os.path.lexists ( GOPTMP ):
os.unlink ( GOPTMP )
if os.path.lexists ( STATTMP ):
os.unlink ( STATTMP )
def conv_vid(file):
if options.dpg == 0:
v_pf = "format=rgb24,"
options.pf = 3
elif options.pf == 3:
v_pf = "format=rgb24,"
elif options.pf == 2:
v_pf = "format=rgb21,"
elif options.pf == 1:
v_pf = "format=rgb18,"
elif options.pf == 0:
v_pf = "format=fmt=rgb15,"
v_pf = "format=rgb24,"
options.pf = 3
if options.hq:
v_cmd = ( " \""+ file +"\" -v -ofps " + `options.fps` + " -sws 9 -vf " + v_pf + "scale=" + `options.width` + ":" + `options.height` +":::3,harddup -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:vstrict=-2:mbd=2:trell:cbp:mv0:cmp=6:subcmp=6:precmp=6:dia=3:predia=3:last_pred=3:vbitrate=" + `options.vbps` + " -o " + MPGTMP + " -of rawvideo" )
elif options.lq:
v_cmd = ( " \"" + file + "\" -v -ofps " + `options.fps` + " -vf " + v_pf + "scale=" + `options.width` + ":" + `options.height` + ",harddup -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:vstrict=-2:vbitrate=" + `options.vbps` + " -o " + MPGTMP + " -of rawvideo" )
else :
v_cmd = ( " \""+ file +"\" -v -ofps " + `options.fps` + " -sws 9 -vf " + v_pf + "scale=" + `options.width` + ":" + `options.height` + ":::3,harddup -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:vstrict=-2:mbd=2:trell:cbp:mv0:cmp=2:subcmp=2:precmp=2:vbitrate=" + `options.vbps` + " -o " + MPGTMP + " -of rawvideo")
if options.nosub:
if options.sub != None:
v_cmd = " -sub \"" + options.sub + "\" " + v_cmd
basename = os.path.splitext ( file )[0]
if options.sid != None:
v_cmd = " -sid \"" + str(options.sid) + "\" " + v_cmd
if options.sub != None:
v_cmd = " -sub \"" + options.sub + "\" " + v_cmd
elif os.path.exists ( basename + ".ass" ):
v_cmd = " -sub \"" + basename + ".ass" + "\" " + v_cmd
elif os.path.exists ( basename + ".srt" ):
v_cmd = " -sub \"" + basename + ".srt" + "\" " + v_cmd
elif os.path.exists ( basename + ".sub" ):
v_cmd = " -sub \"" + basename + ".sub" + "\" " + v_cmd
elif os.path.exists ( basename + ".ssa" ):
v_cmd = " -sub \"" + basename + ".ssa" + "\" " + v_cmd
if options.subcp != None:
v_cmd = " -subcp " + options.subcp + v_cmd
if options.font != None:
v_cmd = " -font \"" + options.font + "\"" + v_cmd
v_cmd = MENCODER + " " + v_cmd
v_cmd = v_cmd + " " + options.mv
#print v_cmd
proc = subprocess.Popen(v_cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True,stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w'))
p = re.compile ("f (\(.*%\))")
for line in proc.stdout:
m = p.search( line )
if m:
print "Encodage video: " + m.group(1) + "\r" ,
print "Encodage video: termine"
def conv_aud(file):
a_cmd = ( MENCODER + " \"" +file + "\" -v -of rawaudio -oac lavc -ovc copy -lavcopts acodec=mp2:abitrate=" + `options.abps` + " -o " + MP2TMP )
identify = commands.getoutput( MPLAYER + " -frames 0 -vo null -ao null -identify \"" + file + "\" | grep -E \"^ID|VIDEO|AUDIO\"")
p = re.compile ("([0-9]*)( ch)")
m = p.search( identify )
if m:
c = m.group(1)
if options.channels == None:
if c > 2:
a_cmd = a_cmd + " -af channels=2,resample=" +`options.hz`+ ":1:2"
a_cmd = a_cmd + " -af resample=" +`options.hz`+ ":1:2"
elif options.channels >= 2:
a_cmd = a_cmd + " -af channels=2,resample=" +`options.hz`+ ":1:2"
a_cmd = a_cmd + " -af channels=1,resample=" +`options.hz`+ ":1:2"
print "Erreur mplayer:"
print identify
if options.aid != None:
a_cmd = a_cmd + " -aid " + str(options.aid)
a_cmd = a_cmd + " " + options.ma
#print a_cmd
proc = subprocess.Popen(a_cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
v_out = ""
p = re.compile ("f (\(.*%\))")
for line in proc.stdout:
m = p.search( line )
if m:
print "Encodage audio: " + m.group(1) + "\r" ,
print "Encodage audio: termine"
def write_header(frames):
print "Creation header"
if options.dpg == 1:
audiostart += 4
elif options.dpg == 2:
audiostart += 12
audiosize = os.stat(MP2TMP)[stat.ST_SIZE]
videosize = os.stat(MPGTMP)[stat.ST_SIZE]
videostart = audiostart + audiosize
videoend = videostart + videosize
f=open(HEADERTMP, 'wb')
DPG = "DPG" + `options.dpg`
headerValues = [ DPG, int(frames), options.fps, 0, options.hz , 0 ,int(audiostart), int(audiosize), int(videostart), int(videosize) ]
f.write (struct.pack( "4s" , headerValues[0]))
f.write (struct.pack ( " f.write (struct.pack ( ">h" , headerValues[2]))
f.write (struct.pack ( ">h" , headerValues[3]))
f.write (struct.pack ( " f.write (struct.pack ( " f.write (struct.pack ( " f.write (struct.pack ( " f.write (struct.pack ( " f.write (struct.pack ( "
if options.dpg == 0:
f.write (struct.pack ( " if options.dpg == 2:
gopsize = os.stat(GOPTMP)[stat.ST_SIZE]
f.write (struct.pack ( " f.write (struct.pack ( " f.write (struct.pack ( "
def mpeg_stat():
p = re.compile ("frames: ([0-9]*)\.")
s_out = commands.getoutput( MPEG_STAT + " -offset " + STATTMP + " " + MPGTMP )
m = p.search( s_out )
if m:
frames = m.group(1)
if options.dpg == 2:
gop=open(GOPTMP, 'wb')
stat=open(STATTMP, 'rb')
frame = 0
for line in stat:
sline = line.split()
if sline[0] == "picture" :
frame += 1
elif sline[0] == "sequence":
gop.write (struct.pack ( " gop.write (struct.pack ( " gop.close()
print s_out
return 0
return frames
def conv_file(file):
if not (os.path.lexists ( file )):
print "Le fichier " + file + " est inexistant"
# return
print "Converting " + file
conv_vid (file)
frames = mpeg_stat()
if frames == 0:
print "Erreur mpeg_stat ..."
cleanup_callback (0,0)
dpgname = os.path.basename ( os.path.splitext ( file )[0] ) + ".dpg"
print "Creating " + dpgname
#commands.getoutput( "cat \"" + HEADERTMP + "\" \"" + MP2TMP + "\" \"" + MPGTMP + "\" > \"" + dpgname + "\"")
if options.dpg == 2:
#commands.getoutput( "cat \"" + GOPTMP + "\" >> \"" + dpgname + "\"")
cleanup_callback (0,0)
print "Conversion termine de \"" + file + "\" en \"" + dpgname + "\""
def init_names():
import tempfile
def concat(out,*files):
outfile = open(out,'w')
for name in files:
outfile.write( open(name).read() )
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f","--fps", type="int", dest="fps" , default=15)
parser.add_option("-q","--hq",action="store_true", dest="hq", default=False)
parser.add_option("-l","--lq",action="store_true", dest="lq", default=False)
parser.add_option("-v","--vbps", type="int", dest="vbps", default=256)
parser.add_option("-a","--abps", type="int", dest="abps", default=128)
parser.add_option("--height", type="int", dest="height", default=192)
parser.add_option("--width", type="int", dest="width", default=256)
parser.add_option("-z","--hz", type="int", dest="hz", default=32000)
parser.add_option("-c","--channels", type="int", dest="channels")
parser.add_option("--subcp", dest="subcp")
parser.add_option("-s","--sub", dest="sub")
parser.add_option("--font", dest="font")
parser.add_option("--mv", dest="mv",default="")
parser.add_option("--ma", dest="ma",default="")
parser.add_option("--nosub",action="store_true", dest="nosub", default=False)
parser.add_option("--dpg", type="int" , dest="dpg", default=2)
parser.add_option("--pf", type="int" , dest="pf", default=3)
parser.add_option("--sid", type="int" , dest="sid")
parser.add_option("--aid", type="int" , dest="aid")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cleanup_callback)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, cleanup_callback)
import commands,re,stat,struct,subprocess
if options.dpg > 2:
options.dpg = 2
if options.dpg < 0:
options.dpg = 2
test = commands.getoutput ( MPEG_STAT + " --" )
m = re.compile ("mpeg_stat --(.*)").search(test)
if m:
print m.group(0)
print "Error:"
print test
exit (0)
test = commands.getoutput ( MPLAYER )
m = re.compile ("^MPlayer.*").search(test)
if m:
print m.group(0)
print "Error:"
print test
exit (0)
test = commands.getoutput ( MENCODER)
m = re.compile ("^MEncoder.*").search(test)
if m:
print m.group(0)
print "Error:"
print test
exit (0)
print "Vous avez tout le necessaire ...on y va"
print "Traduction par Billoutre - http://shortrip.org"
print "______________________________________________"
for file in args:
Enregistrer le fichier
Echap , :x
Rendre le fichier executable :
chmod +x dpgconv-8-fr.py
- Lancer une conversion :
conversion.sh /donnees/divx/mon\ divx.avi
Pour un fichier qui faisait 700 Mo, pèse à présent dans les 240 Mo (forcément la résolution est différente !!!)
Voila, après 5mn (environ), un fichier (mon divx.dpg) est créé.
Il ne reste plus qu'à le copier sur la carte SD, et c'est parti !
Pour les fainéants, je peux vous envoyer les scripts par MP !
Ce message a été modifié par omegared - 18 décembre 2009 - 19:50.