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Xbox 360 Slim Fan Mod / Fan Voltage Mod 9V or 12V

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Posté 03 avril 2024 - 02:51



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Hello members,


I have an Xbox 360 slim 2012 in mint condition hardly used, without any mods/hacks. The console was never opened, still has the warranty seal.

The console is slightly hot after 60 minutes of play and the fan speed is slow.

I wish to have a better cooling/airflow.

What are the best and safe fan mods or fan voltage mods?

Can someone please help me?

I will kindly appreciate the gesture.


Kind regards.

Modifié par NeoOne, 04 avril 2024 - 00:22.

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Posté 03 avril 2024 - 11:31



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A ma connaissance tu ne peux pas changer les températures sur une console d'origine.

En revanche si tu modifies ta console avec le rgh3.0 tu auras accés au changement de température mais pour cela il faut ouvrir la console.

Pour info ton sceau de garantie ne sert plus à rien car les consoles ne sont plus garanties 

Installation du RGH3 sur xbox 360

Pose du picofly sur Nintendo switch
Je me situe dans le 17
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Posté 03 avril 2024 - 20:47



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Thank you for the information. I know the warranty is over, it was just an observation because the console wasn't opened yet.

Unfortunately, I don't have the items and equipment needed in order to perform the RGH mod.

Is there a way to mod the console using only software and usb?

I saw on the internet that if unplug the blue wire from the fan connector it runs on 12V. Is it safe for long term, does it break the fan or hardware?

Or maybe is there a safer way to wire the connectors of the original fan to run at 9V or 12V?



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Posté 17 avril 2024 - 11:29



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Junglexbox360, (on) 03 Apr 2024 - 13:31, wrote:


As far as I know, you can't change the temperatures on an original console.

On the other hand, if you modify your console with rgh3.0 you will have access to the temperature change but for that you have to open the console.

FYI, your warranty seal is no longer useful because the consoles are no longer guaranteed


Thank you for the information.

I know the warranty is over, it was just an observation because the console wasn't opened yet.

Unfortunately, I don't have the items and equipment needed in order to perform the RGH mod.

I saw on the internet that if unplug the blue wire from the fan connector it runs on 12V. Is that safe for long term? does it break the fan or hardware?

Is there a safe way to modify the wires of the original fan to run at 9V?

Kind regards.

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