[3DS] 3DShell v1.0.2 Beta disponible

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[3DS] 3DShell v1.0.2 Beta disponible
Le développeur Joel16 fait son retour avec une toute nouvelle version de 3DShell qui passe désormais en v1.0.2 Beta. De nombreux changements ont été opérés dans 3DShell, il a rajouté l'affichage de l'heure, un menu FTP, de nombreuses corrections d'alignements, un nouveau gestionnaire de thèmes, le support de nouveaux formats d'images GIF, HDR, PIC, PNM, PSD, TGA...
Il a intégré de nombreuses optimisations améliorant les performances, et la qualité de l'application, des nettoyages du code, améliorer la stabilité globale et de nouvelles fonctions natives comme un programme d'installation des CIA permettant d'afficher les informations et l'icône de la version CIA.


3DShell v1.0 BETA
@joel16 joel16 released this 8 hours ago · 1 commit to master since this release
Displays file modified time in file browser. (Display date format according to your current region)
Added FTP menu. (Slightly modified version based on mtheall's ftpd)
Fixed check box mis-alignment, and now uses the proper icon.
New theme manager. (Settings->Theme icon->Select theme) Guide -> https://github.com/j...iki/Theme-Guide
Removed FRD:U access (security purposes with NNIDs)
Added support for the following image formats. (GIF[un-animated], (untested ->) HDR, PIC, PNM, PSD, TGA)
Minor keyboard improvements - now includes words suggestions to improve user expereince.
Now uses your 3DS username set through settings rather than NNID.
Now displays build date in version string.
Use native FS:User functions instead of stdio for file operations, and file browsing. (With this 95% of file functions now use FS:User)
Rename now displays file name.
Allow user to rename files without automatically setting the extension.
Handle file extensions using fs:user rather than strrchr. This should improve performance since the flags are already set when scanning the directory.
Fixed crash when exiting after using the image viewer.
Fixed crash when opening a random directory. (Could have easily been reproduced, however the switch from opendir -> FSUSER_OpenDirectory fixed this)
This software update improves the quality of the application performance. (Many optimazations and code clean-up, improving overall application stability, more use of native functions)
Added a minimal CIA installer, displays CIA info and icon. (Only meant to be used for installing homebrew CIA)
Installed CIA, can be instantly launched after it's been installed.
Determine read only files (-r--r--)
Selecting FTP two or more times without exiting the app result in crash, if you try exiting with the start button or the home button.
Folders created by the Nintendo 3DS give an inaccurate timestamp (example DCIM, or Themes folder).
CIA installing animation had to be stripped.
If you find any other issues please submit them to the issue tracker.
If you're using 3DShell.3dsx, make sure you patch both FS/SM using the process patch menu.



Téléchargement : 3DShell.3dsx v1.0.2 BETA / 3DShell.cia v1.0.2 BETA
Lundi 03 Juillet 2017, 06:27 par tralala
Source : github.com/joel16/3DShell/releases
03 juillet 2017, 09:28
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Merci je vais tester
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03 juillet 2017, 11:39
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Cool. Je vais le testé...
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03 juillet 2017, 12:47
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Merci :)
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03 juillet 2017, 22:10
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