Ce nouveau Patch Cobra supporte dors et déjà le custom firmware Rebug 4.81.1 REX / D-REX, et les changements sont les suivants :
Patch Cobra 7.31 (Nouvelle version de Joonie)Added support for custom firmware Rebug 4.81.1 REX / D-REX.Again removed Cobra spoof [the same as COBRA 4:30], as it does not seem to support more access to PSN upgrade firmware 4.60.PLS3 the patch of modulespatch.c have been removed, this is one of the pre-applied patches to 4.xx. Custom FirmwareE3 unknown patches were removed to solve a problem with the XMB, [Initially found by rancers-0, by its PS3ITA 4.50 COBRA]It supports dual VSH for Custom Firmware Rebug REX / D-REX, sets a hash command code recently developed by Habib and NZV.Fixed for NPDRM Fself from Rebug REX / D-REX, these removed control patches from Kakaroto were pre-applied on VSH Rebug in Debug.
COBRA 7.31 source codes for REX/D-REX 4.81.1Revert "COBRA 7.31 / REX 4.81"COBRA 7.31 source codes for REX/D-REX 4.81
Merci LittlebalupC'est release : http://rebug.me/offi...-dec-16th-2016/
Cobra 7.4 n'apporte pas grand de choses...Merci Littlebalup :)Mais je ne comprend pas; Habib sort le patch Cobra 7.40 mais Rebug en fait en 7.31. Kelkin peut m'expliquer ?????C'est release : http://rebug.me/offi...-dec-16th-2016/