Changes in 4.7.53
More autobuild fixes
More builddep fixed in Autobuild/
ps3: Need 'wget' to build
ps3: Add some missing build deps
ps3/autobuild: Force 'yes' when installing packages
ecmascript: Support tracking destroy and correct delete of subscriptions
Changes in 4.7.47
ecmascript/apiv1: Fix problem when no HTTP args are given
duktape: Add support for Array of query arg objects
duktape: Add support for searchers
htsmsg: Fix broken refcounts
Changes in 4.7.43
httpclient: Rework Location header escape handling
ecmascript: Improve prop support:
* Add support for subscriptions
* Add support for pagination
httpclient: Escape improperly encoded redirect URLs
linux: Extract distribution from lsb_release and store in gconf.os_info
linux: Log more info about current system
ecmascript: Make it possible to get an array of all registered ecmascript contexts
upgrade duktape to v0.10.0-328-g41366e7
First version of a Duktape integration [4.7.36]
Duktape is a EcmaScript (JavaScript) engine that I hope will replace
Spidermonkey eventually.
So far much of the Showtime APIs are lacking when plugins run in this engine.
Changes in 4.7.35
ui: Trap "back" and "cancel" (escape) in popup requests
Don't deliver frames from demuxer thread. It might crash
Don't even send seek events to players that don't want to seek
Update fr_FR.lang
hls: Detect and filter out bad PTS timestamps …
Make it possible to use up/down keys during video playback to adjust per-file volume
linux/pulseaudio: Scale volume in Showtime instead of relying on pulse audio (Fixes problem with flat volume mode. i.e. Fedora11+)
fa/video: Avoid writing resume position if source cannot seek
rtmp/hls/fa: Log when we try to resume
Cleanup skip and seek handling a bit and better support live content
* No longer display a progress bar for live content.
* Disable seek on live content
* For content where seek is disabled make skip to previous track do only that (no restarting)
htsmsg: Must check f->hmf_childs to know if there are childs or not
ui/videomenu: Store current page outsite loaded view so we can retain current page
Fix so we don't resume when we skip to next video in list (either due to EOF or user command): Also simplify the per-backend resume logic
Black out video if video_player enters error mode
glw: Route skip prev/next if video widget is focused
svg: Add support for "viewBox" tag …
Send suggestfocus to UI when we skip back/fwd between video items: This make sure the currently focused item is updated to the currently playing one
prop/nodefiler: Make prop_suggest_focus() work thru nodefilter
Don't show "Save as folder default" in video playback settings if we don't have a folder to play from
media: Use setting_create() for separators do make sure they get destroyed
settings: Make it possible to create SETTING_SEPARATOR from setting_create()
navigator: Unlink currentpage when redirecting: This fixes problem with stale subscriptions that follows nav.currentpage
svg: Add support for 'fill' tag inside 'path' tag
svg: Add support for v,V,h,H path commands
Add support for probing SVG XML files as images
glw: Fix navigation to end of list in some cases
ftpserver: Make sure we bail out on invalid paths
smb/cifs: Fix race condition between thread during SMB connect
restructure xml parser
Don't release buffer when we shoudn't
htsmsg: Must initialize htsmsg_field to zero in htsmsg_binary_deserialize()
Ce qui serait bien c'est qu'on voit ces MAJ sur les ODE aussi... Je pense notamment à la team Cobra ODE qui a mit une librairie à disposition des dev...
Si tu lis la news correctement, tu comprendra que tu pose une question vraiment très bête!!!Je ne sais pas si cet homebrew lit les formats " MKV " chez la video?
Merci pour l'info !
Si tu lis la news correctement, tu comprendra que tu pose une question vraiment très bête!!!Je ne sais pas si cet homebrew lit les formats " MKV " chez la video?
Merci pour l'info !
Ça lit les mkv mais certain 1080p sont beaucoup trop lourd et ne fonctionne vraiment pas bien, en espérant que cela va s améliorer avec le temps.
Il sert à rien de prendre la video avec 1080p mais 750p ca suffit. Car bcp achetent la TV mois de 47 puce sinon elle est déjà trop grande comme le cinema lol
Pour mon cas c'est 49 puce donc 1080p est tjs inutile. J'ai joué à Final Fantasy XIII Lightning returns. Son format est à 1080p j'ai glissé son cinematique avec le bouton R3 chez PS3. Cette cinematique bouge ....
bonsoir mes amis....voila je voudrais installer xbmc (KODI) sur ma ps3 mais je ne c'est pas par ou commencer aurait il un tuto pour savoir comment faire.....merci
bonsoir en fin de compte j'ai installer Showtime et tout marche niquel....merci
Merci pour l'info !