Iris Manager 2.60 : support du Cobra CFW 4.46 Rogero

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Iris Manager 2.60 : support du Cobra CFW 4.46 Rogero

En complément de l'excellente news de pounou concernant le mise en place du CFW Cobra-rogero, Estwald (Hermes), D_Skywalk et Miralatijera mettent à jour leur Manager qui offre une belle alternative à Multiman. Cette nouvelle version supporte donc les fonctionnalités du Cobra.

What's New in version 2.60:
Support functions + Cobra CFW 4.46 Rogero for ISOS
Improved the preview icon in Archive Manager (pre-displayed icon in /dev_hdd0/games without going into the folder)
Added Quick press + to enter the Archive Manager, you will now have a more frequent use . If parental control is enabled, only allows non-hazardous use Archive Manager (ISOS mount Cobra mode and so on)
Cobra Mode.
Mode becomes active only when Iris Manager is set to "Payload No Disco" and is detected cobra syscall 8 4.46. In this mode it is necessary to patch explore_plugin.sprx but may need libfs.sprx patched module.
Supported Features
• From NTFS drive, EXTx, / dev_hdd0, / dev_usb00x: 
ISOS PS3 games: are in the folder "/ PS3ISO". The ICON0.PNG is viewed from within the ISO but you can put an image. Png (wide) or. Jpg (elongated) with the same name as a cover art ISO external. Also the cover art is taken conventional (typical of Multiman with the title id). The ISOS can be split (if needed) with extension follows name.iso.0, name.iso.1, ... name.iso.9 (2048 bytes / sector)
DVD ISOS: Single from "Archive Manager" (the default type are not detected when other). The ISOS can be split (if needed) with extension follows name.iso.0, name.iso.1, ... name.iso.9 (2048 bytes / sector)
Bluray ISOs: Single from "Archive Manager" (not sure if it works because I have none: basically, try to detect a mark UDF). The ISOS can be split (if needed) with extension follows name.iso.0, name.iso.1, ... name.iso.9 (2048 bytes / sector)
• From unit / dev_hdd0, / dev_usb00x: 
PS3 games with single files: The usual way but with mounting Cobra.
PS1 ISOs: Use proper support Iris Manager, well known
• From unit / dev_hdd0: 
PS2 ISOS: CD (without audio tracks and only ISO 2048 bytes / sector) and DVD (2048 bytes / sector). USB drives are not supported in this mode.
• From NTFS drive and the Archive Manager: 
PS3 ISOs, BD, and DVD from any directory, using auto-detection.
Dynamic Creation ISOS: select a file, press SELECT and use the "Build ISO from file" to exit to the XMB with a data DVD ISO
Dynamic Creation ISOS with Showtime launched: Select and press X on a file type. Avi,. Mp4 or. Mkv (I have come to create a DVD ISO 32 GB ). If Showtime is installed automatically run, select the drive and ready Bluray (Showtime takes theirs to recognize and then play the file, but then goes smoothly )
Note on dynamic creation: the trick is to create a small file on NTFS drive's root (hence not supported EXTx, can not write) with the name "iris_manager.biso" which contains the ISO and sectors adosarle then file data.
Note on the general ISOS: It is important that the files are not too fragmented to avoid problems.
• File Manager: 
Have some ability to detect ISOS to assemble them from any directory (avoid using PS1 ISOs) and in the case of NTFS drive, ISOS dynamically create a single file containing (SELECT and "Build ISO from file) or released Showtime in files. avi,. mp4 and. mkv. isos must be 2048 bytes / sector and use extension. iso or is fragmented into several parts using extensions. iso.0,. iso.1 ..... iso.9 ...
• ISOS options in the GUI: 
Pressing SELECT can select the ISO as a favorite or disassemble the unit if it is NTFS or EXTx.
PS3 Favourite taken with preference to be shown / thrown / dev_hdd0, then ISOS and finally / dev_usb00x
• PSP Games: No support is provided.
• Create PS3 game ISOS: 
With Cobra ODE tool, it can be done, from single files:
Currently there is no way to create them support from Iris Manager.


Mardi 12 Novembre 2013, 16:12 par artik
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12 novembre 2013, 16:13
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12 novembre 2013, 16:28
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merci pour ce tres bon manager ,Mirala aussi bien comme CFW au passage ;)
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12 novembre 2013, 16:38
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Merci ;)
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12 novembre 2013, 17:37
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super manager outsider de multiman merci
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12 novembre 2013, 18:03
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Si je comprend bien ou peut-etre mal, ce manager li les jeux dans un disque en NTFS ?
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12 novembre 2013, 18:10
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Merci Artik pour le partage et aux devs pour ce bon manager.
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13 novembre 2013, 07:22
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Si je comprend bien ou peut-etre mal, ce manager li les jeux dans un disque en NTFS ?

Suffit de lire ;) :

Supported Features

• From NTFS drive, EXTx, / dev_hdd0, / dev_usb00x:

ISOS PS3 games: are in the folder "/ PS3ISO". The ICON0.PNG is viewed from within the ISO but you can put an image. Png (wide) or. Jpg (elongated) with the same name as a cover art ISO external. Also the cover art is taken conventional (typical of Multiman with the title id). The ISOS can be split (if needed) with extension follows name.iso.0, name.iso.1, ... name.iso.9 (2048 bytes / sector)
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13 novembre 2013, 07:47
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13 novembre 2013, 13:23
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bonjour comment vous basculez sur le disque dur externe?
je vois que mes jeux en interne en haut a droite je vois bien qu'il y a le disque dur externe mes je voie pas les jeux
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14 novembre 2013, 09:16
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Merci :)
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15 novembre 2013, 10:19
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Thanks pour la news je prend de suite
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19 novembre 2013, 10:31
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Bonjour a tous desolé je suis nouveau et ne c'est pas ou posté mon message.
voila ma ps3 fat qui étais pucé 80go ma lâché enfin je pense d’après ce que l ont ma dit.
donc je voudrais en racheter une slim mais je ne c'est pas laquelle prendre par rapport a la version pour pouvoir la puce?
Merci de votre aide
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