Le développeur Swizzy release aujourd'hui une nouvelle version de son interface pour xebuild baptisée tout simplement Xebuild GUI. Vous pourrez, avec ce soft, créer des images ECC, des nands hackées en kernel 14719 (ou autre si vous mettez les fichiers fsdata dans les répertoires correspondants) pour console jtag ou glitchée. Cette application possède maintenant deux modes, le simple et l'avancé :
Dans le mode avancé, vous pourrez tout paramétrer comme si vous utilisiez xebuild et l'installateur de dashlaunch. Dans le mode simple, les paramètres par défaut de ces applications seront utilisés.
Xebuild GUI dispose également de nombreuse autres fonctionnalités comme :
- la récupération directement depuis le Xell via le réseau (un fichier fuse.txt sera alors créé)
- l'intégration des patchs dashlaunch
- la possibilité d'utiliser un xell custom
- la possibilité d'utiliser le patch ôtant la nécessité du fichier FCRT.bin pour les slims (sauf lecteur 1175)
- la possibilité de télécharger le systemupdate associé pour faire la mise à jour des avatars, etc.
Cette nouvelle version fait suite à la mise à jour de Xebuild et apporte quelques nouveautés :
* 2.01 *
- Fixed: Updated the hardcoded MD5 hashes for critical files that were included at release, forgot to update those prior to 2.0 FINAL release :$
- Updated: Dashfiles.xml now also includes 14717 dashfiles link and MD5 hash, they weren't uploaded prior to release, thus i couldn't link to them
- Fixed: The app would crash when trying to copy stuff from Manual tab in xeBuild (or paste, or anything else like that) not anymore
- Changed: CFLDV is now included every time you build a non-ECC nand image (Retail, Glitch, Freeboot, Devkit) if you've entered it manually...
- Fixed: The SMC Failsafe should no longer force you to answer stupid questions about what SMC to use (if you've already selected it)
- Fixed: You can now properly select if you want to use Simple or Advanced mode when autostarting or loading settings...
- Fixed: The app now loads options.ini properly, and if it exists next to the executable it'll also load it properly as if you had pressed the button to load it...
** NOTE: If this file exists it both implies that you are an advanced user and want to use these settings, thus it'll automatically use these settings for you... **
- Added: The app now loads launch.ini aswell instead of just using it...
- Changed: When saving settings the app will now default to "default.xml" and the App directory, allowing you to quickly select alot of presets that you want it to have when loading the app
- Fixed: I've fixed the ini's for 14717 so they are proper now...
- Changed: The debug log that is created when there is an error with the build process (after running throught all the failsafes) will now also include xebuild's verbose log...
- Changed: 14719 is now also included!
- Changed: Dashlaunch 2.31 is now the used version...
- Fixed: Bug with xeBuild Custom settings, i was apparently tired when i made that functionsfanspeed?! there is no such setting, it's gpufan/cpufan!
- Changed: I'm no longer downloading files from logic-sunrise, instead i've got a dedicated host for all files (giving me more control!)
Je crois que tu n'as pas pris cette version mais celle de MARCHISIO80Merci Raz, je l'attendais =)
Edit: Dans Kernel Version, sélectionner "Custom" et indiquer "14719"
Je crois que tu n'as pas pris cette version mais celle de MARCHISIO80Merci Raz, je l'attendais =)
Edit: Dans Kernel Version, sélectionner "Custom" et indiquer "14719"
Dans celle-ci tu as bien le choix du kernel 2.0.14719.0
Voili voilou attention aux infos données
Merci pour la rapidité, (pour les fainéants comme moi) il y aurait pas moyen d'inclure une commande pour que FDT puisse lever le LDV ?
xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
Moving output to your destination directory... FAILED!
ERROR: Unable to move output file to your destination directory!
ERROR: There was one or more fatal errors: 1 errors during the build process
Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!
****** The app has now finished! ******
This tells me there was an error with moving the output, could you tell me what the directory variables look like? (check debug.log)bonjour et merci pour cette mise a jour
avec cette version j'ai cette erreur et la nand hacké n'est pas crééeCitation
xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
Moving output to your destination directory... FAILED!
ERROR: Unable to move output file to your destination directory!
ERROR: There was one or more fatal errors: 1 errors during the build process
Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!
****** The app has now finished! ******
Source: C:\Users\arno\Desktop\slim320.bin
Output: C:\Users\arno\Desktop\nandflash.bin
Source: C:\Users\arno\Desktop\slim320.bin
Output: C:\Users\arno\Desktop\nandflash.bin
i have this error when i choose disable FCRT.bin check, without, it works !
Strange, perhaps i need to add a delay before it tries to move the file, could you try again with nofcrt patch active and if it fails, check if there is a "output.bin" in the files folder?
apart plusieurs test , il me met sa en erreur si je veux download les avatars .
There was an error during the download:
System.Net.WebException: Le serveur distant a retourné une erreur : (404) Introuvable.
à System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
à System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request, IAsyncResult result)
à System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBitsResponseCallback(IAsyncResult result)
Edit: Dans Kernel Version, sélectionner "Custom" et indiquer "14719"