Xebuild GUI V2.0 RC1 : la création de nand facilitée *maj RC2*

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Xebuild GUI V2.0 RC1 : la création de nand facilitée *maj RC2*

Le développeur Swizzy release aujourd'hui une nouvelle version de son interface pour xebuild baptisée tout simplement Xebuild GUI. Vous pourrez, avec ce soft, créer des images ECC, des nands hackées en kernel 14699 (ou autre si vous mettez les fichiers fsdata dans les répertoires correspondant) pour console jtag ou glitchée. Cette application possède maintenant deux modes, le simple et l'avancé :

Dans le mode avancé, vous pourrez tout paramétrer comme si vous utilisiez xebuild et l'installeur de dashlaunch. Dans le mode simple, les paramètres par défaut de ces applications seront utilisés.

Xebuild GUI dispose également de nombreuse autres fonctionnalités comme :


- la récupération directement depuis le Xell via le réseau (un fichier fuse.txt sera alors créé)

- l'intégration des patchs dashlaunch

- la possibilité d'utiliser un xell custom

- la possibilité d'utiliser le patch ôtant la nécessité du fichier FCRT.bin pour les slims (sauf lecteur 1175)

- Possibilité de télécharger le systemupdate associé pour faire la mise à jours des avatars

etc ...



Voici le conséquent changelog de cette version V2.0 :


- Changed: Completly rebuilt the app from scratch, the old code base became one big mess hard to keep track of, and update, with the new codebase also comes a completly rebuilt GUI the new version includes dual mode, Simple/Advanced and quite alot of new features along with a couple of easter eggs ;)
- Changed: CPUKey/1BLKey/DVDKey only supports hexadecimal input (A-F, a-f and 0-9) aswell as backspace/delete (it'll catch what you type when you do so with your keyboard, copy 'n' paste will allow you to fill in whatever, but only 32 characters of it NOTE: there is a secondary check aswell, so you cannot input anything else then a "proper" key no matter what ;)
- Removed: Patch SMC setting, it's not needed and can confuse you (it was automaticly used for glitch machines if your smc is a retail one even if you haven't selected it anyways, making it a useless option to have)
- Added: Option to also include any harddrive that windows calls "Fixed" harddrive (Non-Removable device) for the update downloader...
- Added: Information if the device is shown as Removable or Non-Removable by windows for the update downloader...
- Changed: True/False on MD5 matches is now displayed in bold and color formatet (Green for True and Red for false) to make it easier to see the results :)
- Changed: "Type of image" is now "Build type" to make it easier to understand that this will be output image type ;)
- Fixed: Update downloader now works properly, dunno how it slipped by, but i had set it to remove the first 2 characters of the drive string (when unpacking the update), meaning the important parts, fixed now tho ;)
- Changed: The app now dynamically add Dashboard versions based on dashfiles.xml, etheir the one located with the app or one that has been downloaded to %appdata%\Swizzy\xeBuild_GUI\
- Changed: Moved most download features to a tab on the right hand side of the program among these is the update downloader...
- Added: Keyvault dumping/decryption, thanks to LegendaryFire for his NandApi source!
- Added: I've added support for canceling downloads, the app will no longer crash when you close the program whiles it's downloading something...
- Added: You can now select if you want to have verbose output from xeBuild rather then having minimum (this will cause the log to be full of information)
** NOTE: Verbose output from xeBuild is only available in Advanced mode... **
- Fixed: The app no longer overwrites an already existing log, it'll read the old log and put it infront of the old one...
- Changed: i've rewritten the warning messages about formatting your drive along with adding an extra check just to make sure you don't automaticly click yes as this WILL remove ANY data you have on the device!
- Fixed: When formatting a usb drive using the avatar updater it will no longer lock the drive, it will however clear any label you have on it...
- Added: Support for building ECC images aswell, this disables ALL options except for those related to the app itself and of course motherboard/type, if you need to use CDjasper, just select jasper, otherwise select which ever one you like that isn't disabled ;) NOTE: i have made NO modifications to the build.py script (apart from adding 1BLKey) so it should work to switch it out at a later time without problems, but do remember to copy over the 1blkey if it's needed ;))
** NOTE: If your Jasper has CB 6751 it'll automatically enforce using a donor CB 6750 **
- Added: Semi automatic selection, if you are doing an upgrade the app will now automaticly select all the options for you when you select source nand (it cannot select JasperSB(if 16mb dump) or Jasper256/Jasper512(if 66mb dump))
** NOTE: You can disable this feature if you like, but this requires that you first start the progam without loading any nand! OR manually editing the default.xml file**
- Added: The app can (and will if the files are missing) download and install dashfiles for you meaning even if the files aren't with the release it can download them for you if you have internet and you don't have to look for them yourself! :D
** NOTE: It won't start the download on it's own, just prompt you to do it ;) **
- Changed: When checking the motherboard version etc. it'll now tell you what type of jasper you have
- Changed: Jasper 16Mb SB is now limited to advanced to make it easier for newbies to understand it's for advanced users if you have a machine that requires this you should know about it already, thus be a more advanced user ;)
- Changed: Updated launch.ini to reflect changes in new dashlaunch...
- Changed: CPUKey is now grabbed the same way the console does from fuses :)
- Changed: When reading cpukey.txt it reads the last 32 characters of the first line if it starts with "CPUKey" or the 32 first characters in all other cases
- Added: The gui now checks the exitcode of xeBuild to instead of checking for output, if it gives an error of any kind it'll tell you what it probably is...
- Added: The app can now generate launch.ini for you (NOTE: This feature is limited to advanced mode)
- Changed: The app now use dashlaunch 2.29
- Removed: The app now accepts ANY value for temperature tresholds; BEWARE! i take NO responsibility for damage on your console due to bad settings, the feature of customizing xeBuild settings is limited to Advanced mode because you should really know what you are doing before you go about changing stuff here!
- Added: 7zip is now Embedded in the app making it ALOT harder for you to mess with the parts that deal with downloading/unpacking zip/rar files

-=*=- There are probably more changes i've done that i can't think of right now, consider them easter eggs ;) -=*=-


Si vous rencontrez des bugs, merci de les mettre dans les commentaires :)



La RC2 corrige un problème avec la création des fichiers ECC

Samedi 11 Février 2012, 21:56 par Razkar
Source : LS
11 février 2012, 22:02
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merci RAZ ;)
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11 février 2012, 22:03
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Merci j'adore ce soft
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11 février 2012, 22:05
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Merci j'adore ce soft

Idem, swizzy a tous tué avec ce soft =)
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11 février 2012, 22:35
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je plussoie c'est LE soft pour le glitch ! ! Et vla le changelog de taré ! ! <3
Merci Swizzy ! !
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11 février 2012, 22:35
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A tester donc ;)
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11 février 2012, 22:43
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merci je vais tester
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11 février 2012, 22:46
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Nikel merci
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11 février 2012, 22:52
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11 février 2012, 23:46
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Merci pour la news et pour le soft :)
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12 février 2012, 00:14
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12 février 2012, 00:24
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pas mal, merci
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12 février 2012, 00:39
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Merci !
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12 février 2012, 00:55
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Merci, mon soft préféré !!
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12 février 2012, 01:41
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merci.. je vais le tester pour voir.
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12 février 2012, 01:50
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Super !!! Image IPB
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12 février 2012, 04:39
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Comment créer ECC imagem? Mon erreur

Swizzy's xeBuild GUI version 2.0 RC1
Log Started: Sunday 12/02/2012 01:39:01
ERROR: Can't find python! make sure you've unpacked all files!ERROR: There was fatal errors: 1
Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!

****** The app has now finished! ******
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12 février 2012, 05:54
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12 février 2012, 07:59
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Super log merci. Cette nouvelle version vient de me résoudre un problème pour la création d'une nand retail (7651).
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12 février 2012, 08:02
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12 février 2012, 08:16
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Super soft ! merci !
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12 février 2012, 08:28
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Comment créer ECC imagem? Mon erreur

Swizzy's xeBuild GUI version 2.0 RC1
Log Started: Sunday 12/02/2012 01:39:01
ERROR: Can't find python! make sure you've unpacked all files!ERROR: There was fatal errors: 1
Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!

****** The app has now finished! ******templates/images/quote.gif

Correction: http://www.logic-sun...ui-v20-rc2.html
Merci de me dire à propos du bogue / erreur :)

désolé pour mon mauvais français, j'utilise google translate :)
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12 février 2012, 08:41
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Merci pour le soft!
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12 février 2012, 09:02
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12 février 2012, 09:36
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Merci raz ;)
Soft ultime a tout glitcher ;)
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12 février 2012, 09:42
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Merci Raz
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12 février 2012, 09:51
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le top merci
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12 février 2012, 09:55
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Merci, soft très pratique
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12 février 2012, 11:04
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Soft qui a fait ses preuves! Je go test cette nouvelle version qui m'a l'air de tout déchirer.
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12 février 2012, 11:05
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12 février 2012, 11:47
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12 février 2012, 12:12
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merci, super log
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12 février 2012, 13:01
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soft vraiment tres sympatiques
merci raz
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12 février 2012, 13:39
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terrible ce soft merci
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12 février 2012, 15:36
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je teste ,merci
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12 février 2012, 15:54
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Pourrait mettre la fonction nandpro! merci
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12 février 2012, 16:18
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Pourrait mettre la fonction nandpro! merci

i can indeed, but right now i have other things to do, using nandpro is easy, it doesn't need a GUI altought it would probably be nice to have one :)

i have no plans on making a nandpro gui at this time (for general nandpro operations that is, i already made a nice gui for you to skip a "ghostblock" because that can be a pain to remember how to calculate how many blocks to read and so on...)
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12 février 2012, 16:41
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merci pour ce soft tres bon
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12 février 2012, 16:47
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super je teste des que possible
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12 février 2012, 17:49
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La création de ecc fonctionne avec ce logiciel?
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12 février 2012, 18:00
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La création de ecc fonctionne avec ce logiciel?

Yes, it works, i just forgot to add the files to RC1 prior to release, then i fixed a couple of minor details i had overlooked for RC2 currently working on adding in a few more requested features
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12 février 2012, 18:54
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merci super soft
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12 février 2012, 19:30
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Merci , merveille ce soft :)
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12 février 2012, 21:05
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Merci pour ce merveilleux soft :)
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12 février 2012, 21:38
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merci pour l'info!!
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12 février 2012, 21:52
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Super, je prévois de franchir le pas lors de la disponibilité de la version finale (Multi builder n'étant plus mis à jouer depuis quelques temps déjà, et préférant installer dashlaunch par la suite, ce nouveau jouet me semble idéal :D
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12 février 2012, 22:09
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Merci pour la News. Ce soft à l'air excellent !
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13 février 2012, 11:57
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merci pour ce solft super taf
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14 février 2012, 10:51
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Celui que je préfère, sans l'ombre d'un doute ;)
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