Deux jours après la sortie du metro dashboard, la Team Fb/Ggbuild vient nous livrer aujourd'hui une nouvelle version de nand builder ajoutant son support. Grosse nouveauté, Fbbuild (destiné au Jtag) et Ggbuild (destiné au glitch) ont maintenant fusionné pour devenir xebuild.
Le fonctionnement du nand builder est toujours le même, il faut mettre votre nand d'origine renommée "nanddump.bin et votre clé cpu dans le dossier mydata et utiliser la commande suivante :
Par exemple, pour une console glitch et faire une nand en kernel 14699 :
xebuild -t glitch -f 14699 -d maslim nandflash.bin.
-t : pour le type de hack utilisé (-t glitch ou -t retail)
-f : version du kernel
-d : nom du dossier contenant vos données
Changelog :
- hotfix - jtag images were being created with incorrect patch file number (xexp1 instead of xexp2)
- gets security files from nanddump.bin and verifies them (odd.bin is currently not processed)
- option added to disable extracting security files from nanddump.bin
- decrypts perbuild security files for verification (crl/dae only currently, updater files work too)
- zero nonce data in bls before checking crc (inlcuded file lists updated with new crc and explanation)
- fixed a bug with mobile extraction
- fixed a bug with fsroot processing
- (glitch) dynamic SMC patcher, no longer limited to hard coded hash/offsets
- added more SMC hashes to verify known clean SMCs
- will attempt to decrypt external encrypted smc.bin if needed
- whitelist more chars in the file list parser
- altered so that pairing value will be retreived from nanddump.bin even if ldv is set in ini
- dual CB is dictated by ini, "none" filename indicates single CB (jtag does not use dual CB)
- increased logged info when adding files to flashfs
- odd.bin in encrypted (only!) form is now handled (from file or nanddump.bin)
- ini options are now available as -o options on command line
- added -t command line flag for glitch/retail/jtag selection
- JTAG image creation merged
- separate retail/glitch/jtag into individual per-firmware ini lists
- added -noenter command line option to suppres application asking to press enter on completion
- added proper errorlevel exiting, 1=usage/commandline error, 2=file write err, 3=image build error
- add 'cygnos' and 'xellbutton' options for glitch images with appropriate bl patches (either may affect fat glitch boot rate!)
- non-critical spare data fix to the way smc config is added to image
- update freeboot core and glitch base patches to accept a secondary xell poweron reason
- rewrote extended.bin handler, given an invalid/undecryptable file it will create a empty extended.bin
- rewrote keyvault handler, can decrypt and verify kv.bin when it's provided encrypted
- added patch append -a command, and converted nomu and nofcrt to optional patches
- added simple explanation of patch file formats in about_patches.S
- changed nonandmu option to nandmu so it can default to false
- added corona and winchester console types, currently not supported but there if needed
- add 14699
Voici une vidéo du metro dashboard, (le kernel dans la video est 14696, mais xebuild apporte bien le support du kernel 14699)
C en effet possible,N'y a-t-il pas moyen de mettre à jour sa nand sans disposer de la nand d'origine et en passant juste par xell et une clé usb? T_T