La Team FSD revient ce soir sur le devant de la scène avec une dernière mise à jour pour le "FreeStyle Dashboard", la version RC2.2 Finale. Cette mise à jour intègre principalement le support des Slims, en effet depuis la sortie en aout d'un nouveau hack, les Xbox slims peuvent maintenant utiliser FSD, mais certaines fonctionalités comme le réglage de la vitesse de ventilation ainsi que l'accès au 4Go de mémoire intégrée n'etait pas fonctionnel, c'est maintenant le cas. On notera également un gain non négligeable en fluidité et une légère modification de l'interface.
Ceci marque donc la fin du projet FSD, la team se consacre maintenant sur le nouveau projet, le très prometteur dashboard RxE.
Pour faire la mise à jour, vous pouvez utiliser directement l'updater intégré au dashboard où télécharger l'archive en bas de la news =)
Vous trouverez un tutoriel pour une première installation ICI
*MAJ* 4/12/11 12h
Ajout d'un nouveau default.xex corrigeant les problèmes de crash rencontrés par certains
Changelog complet :
**** FSD2.2 Final - Released December 3rd, 2011 ****
**** Thanks go out to our dedicated beta testers and the community!
**** Note: All skin customizations w
**** Enjoy!
(Updated) Only 1 update notification if more updates available
(Changed) Plugins tab notification
(Added) Different Wallpaper
(Adjusted) Profile GamerPic Location on Main Scene
(Updated) Weather Units to be C like System Temps by Default
(Added) Setting to enable or disable weather at startup
(Added) Recursive Delete Directory Function
(Added) Forced Skin Settings Delete on Builds as Required
(Updated) Missing GamerPic in HTTP
(Fixed) Delete God from gamelist
(added) Files for auto-update website
(Added) HTTP Scan Path Support
(Added) Tons of New HTTP Features and Error Response
(Added) Game Directory Truncation when in Content Folder
(Fixed) Subtitle Directory Support in GameListView
(Added) Background C and Background D support
(Added) Support for 6 Animations
(Updated) Added version to TitleUpdate information. (Thanks to xamphear)
(Fixed) File Size Display in File Manager
(Fixed) File Manager Title Caption - to now properly show current path
(Reduced) Font Size of Caption to allow longer paths to be seen
(Fixed) Issue where FSD would ask you to reboot when changing skin even if skin is the same as active
(Fixed) Focus Loss Issues in Manage Paths
(Fixed) Skin Glitch in Menu
(Fixed) Cut off Text in Manage Paths Scene
(Fixed) Crash in TabConfig Scene that occurs when exiting Scene
(Fixed) FileSize Display for Large Files in FTP
(Fixed) Credits Music
(Added) Toggle Subtitles to FSD Flow
(Fixed) Reset Skin Settings Crash
(Fixed) Multidisc Plugin To Handle Games that Request the Same Disk Be Entered
(Updated) Main Skin Layout for ease of use
(Fixed) Numerous Scene Focus Loss Issues
(Added) "No Icon" Image in recent games when game does not have an icon (ie, homebrew)
(Added) FSDPlugin and ConnectX Status Display to Plugin Settings Scene
(Added) Auto-Signin Support for Profiles
(Fixed) TrinityMU Mount Command
(Updated) About Scene to include Top Donators
(Updated) Main Settings Scene Setting Summaries
(Added) ConnectX Support
(Fixed) MemLeaks in Configurable List, Configurable Scene and SkinXMLReader
(Removed) Excess DebugMsgs from Skin Xml Reader Methods
(Updated) HTTP Gamelist to alphabetize itself before listing games
(Fixed) Timer Manager referencing a non existent observer when calculating next tick
(Fixed) Bug in ScanPaths when choosing a second path
(Fixed) Crash in HTTP Downloader when the same item tries to download more than once at the same time
(Changed) FTP Server Thread for Speed Increase
(Fixed) Version Manager issue causing FSD to not recognize build types
(Updated) HTTP Client to use HTTP 1.0 GET
(Fixed) Subtitles
(Added) 'Date Added' Sort style
(Added) Two new Subtitle options for the game list
(Added) Launch Recent Game to Profile Tab
(Updated) NoDVD Icon to better work with different panels
(Updated) Status Bar Icons to newer style
(Rearranged) Storage Status Indicators ( USB2, USB1, MU, HDD )
(Removed) Unnecessary Artwork from
(Updated) Minimum Fan Speed to be 65% instead of 45%
(Added) Randomized Credit Scroller to About Scene (to help the seeing impaired)
(Fixed) Screenshot List Display
(Updated) Default Screenshot Downloads to 5 instead of 15
(Updated) FSD Logo in About
(Added) Darkening Effect in About Scene
(Fixed) Button Press on About Scene Loading Weather
(Updated) About Scene with Team, Donors and Special Thanks
(Changed) MU is removed from status bar and replaced with OnBoardMU:
(Updated) Speed of CopyDVD
(fixed) Memory leak in LaunchData
(Fixed) Copying Files when nothing is selected
(Added) Update PingPatch offset locations
(Added) Plugin State for Plugin Tab
(Fixed) Title Updates. Its very different now.
(Fixed) Added failure notification to transfers
(Fixed) Weather with spaces, and weather without City and State / Country.
(Fixed) Updated weather. Using Google API now.
(Added) Media ID to HTTP
(Removed) File Exist Check from Content Loading to speed up loading
(Added) SMB fixes from Node21
(Updated) Content Scanner to ignore DLC and AVATAR props
(FIX) Samba server no longer stops being operational after you don't use it for a short period of time.
(Added) TrinityMount for FSD 2.0
(Added) Slim fan speed for FSD 2.0
(Added) File process speed update for FSD 2.0
Oh la la pourvu que ça règle le problème livebox2
passe niquel avec livebox !!! (depuis 1h)
Merci !
it ALWAYS crash upon setting the content..
dont use it right now...
pas de crash pour moi pour le moment, sauf qu'il m'a fallu faire un clear data, et reconfigurer mes chemins....
Oh putain !!!!
passe niquel avec livebox !!! (depuis 1h)
Merci !
Pareil, livebox 2 toujours opérationnelle pour l'instant avec ce FSD, on dirait bien que le problème est enfin résolu
Merci RAZ poour lamaj sa fai tune HEURE je galere a trouver
Génial merci, je testerait aussi avec une bBox2 pour voir si cela fonctionne aussi logiquement sa devrait le faire
Et voila paf !!!..................merci du retour.finalement un 1er plantage de livebox2 apres quelques heures
esperons que ca ne se reproduise pas
en tout cas vraimt plus fluide que la précédente version je trouve
Et voila paf !!!..................merci du retour.
Quel aille se faire foutre cette livebox2 de merde, ma jtag sans réseau du merde !!