Configurable USB Loader v68 : Loader Wii

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Wii / Wii U
Configurable USB Loader v68 : Loader Wii

Le loader de backups par USB/SD, configurable USB Loader créait par Oggzee, Usptactical, Gannon et  Dr.Clipper, passe en version 68. Celui-ci est basé sur le USB Loader de Waninkoko et il est muni d'une GUI configurable selon nos envies et nos humeurs.

Cet homebrew est surtout célébre pour son lancement de jeux au format .wbfs depuis un disque dur en fat. On peut y ajouter une musique de fond au format .mp3 ou .mod et il supporte les thèmes. Les covers sont téléchargeables directement depuis l'homebrew (redimensionnement automatiquement effectué par le soft).

Je tiens à remercier Jabe pour sa traduction française de cet homebrew. Pour ceux qui veulent modifier l'aspect de ce Loader, je les invite à se rendre sur ce lien.



Changelog :


- Correction du bug avec Press Any boutton

- Correction de Bug dans l'option gamercards dans le Menu GUI

Dimanche 24 Avril 2011, 19:00 par Yoann-95
Source :
24 avril 2011, 20:55
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merci Yoann-95 pour cette info, c'est mon préféré!
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24 avril 2011, 21:17
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De rien.

La version 68 finale en français est en ligne sur:

Voici le changelog complet:
24-04-2011 cfg v68 (release)
* Included the Circles theme by abdias in full package
Which is also the first theme that uses the new gui menu theming options
* Fixed "press any button" after cover download
* Fixed gamercard option in gui menu

22-04-2011 cfg v68b4 (beta)
* Set custom buttons inactive when any window is opened
* New theme options:
Setting gui_text_color_menu will set the base gui menu color
and all of the above color options too.
Setting gui_text_color_button will also set radio and checkbox
default value is same as gui_text_color_menu

21-04-2011 cfg v68b3 (beta)
* Detection of cios d2x v4 beta 2
* If pointer is outside a defined gui_cover_area then don't scroll
* Fixed: wrong size of 2d&3d no cover image in gui menu game select
* Fixed: admin unlock in gui mode to show full game list
* Fixed: missing gui menu custom buttons after switching from console
* Cleanups

19-04-2011 cfg v68b2 (beta)
* New theme option:
gui_button_NAME = X, Y, W, H, TextColor, image.png, Type, HoverZoom
NAME can be: main settings quit style view sort filter favorites
TextColor is same format as gui_text_color_menu
(Seting TextColor to 0 will disable text on the button in case icons are used)
Type: button or icon
HoverZoom: 0-50 in %
Paramteres after coordinates are optional. Default values:
gui_button_NAME = X, Y, W, H, white/A0/44444444, button.png, button, 10
* New theme option:
gui_bar = 0, [1], top, bottom
Will disable / enable gui bar or enable only top or bottom.
* Minor fixes to gui admin unlock & left/right dpad with coverflow
* Changed default gui menu color to white/A0/44444444
* Removed [FRAG] note at startup

17-04-2011 cfg v68b (beta)
* Translation fixes
* Themable gui menu images:
buttons: button.png checkbox.png radio.png
windows: window.png page.png
Images can also be placed in usb-loader base dir
and if a theme doesn't provide it's own button.png
then images from the base dir are used.
* New theme options:
gui_window_color_base = RRGGBBAA default: FFFFFF80
gui_window_color_popup = RRGGBBAA default: FFFFFFB0

13-04-2011 cfg v68a4 (alpha)
* Fixed Translation: Cover~~Front Cover~~Back
* Fixed switch from gui to console mode
* New themed options:
gui_text_color_menu = COLOR / OUTLINE / SHADOW
gui_text_color_info = COLOR / OUTLINE / SHADOW
gui_text_color_menu = 6688FFFF / A0 / 44444444
gui_text_color_info = white / A0
each component can be "black", "white" or RRGGBBAA
OUTLINE and SHADOW are optional
* Bigger Start button
* Minor GUI menu updates

11-04-2011 cfg v68a3 (alpha)
* Translation updates
New strings: Cover~~Front Cover~~Back Fav: Off Fav: On
* Changed gui option:
gui = 0, 1, 2, 3, [4], start
gui = 0 : GUI disabled
gui = 1 : GUI enabled, GUI Menu disabled, start in console mode
gui = 2 : GUI enabled, GUI Menu disabled, start in GUI mode
gui = 3 : GUI Menu enabled, start in console mode
gui = 4 : GUI Menu enabled, start in GUI mode
gui = start : same as gui = 4
* Game dialog button changes:
Pressing button A on cover will start the game
To rotate the cover hold button 1
To zoom use buttons +/-
buttons UP/DOWN: change cover style
buttons LEFT/RIGHT: prev/next game
* Cover cache fixes

07-04-2011 cfg v68a2 (alpha)
* Skip game start confirmation when started from gui menu.
* When a game is selected and the wiimote is not pointing
to the screen move the pointer to the start button so
that pressing button A will start the game directly.
* Always start with cover view in game dialog
(previously it remembered the last state)
* Changed gui option:
gui = 0, 1, 2, [3], start
gui = 0 : GUI disabled
gui = 1 : GUI enabled but starts in console mode
gui = 2 : GUI enabled and starts in GUI mode
gui = 3 : GUI and GUI Menu enabled. Starts in GUI mode
gui = start : same as gui = 3
* Translatable GUI menu

06-04-2011 cfg v68a (alpha)
* GUI menu
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24 avril 2011, 22:58
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25 avril 2011, 07:58
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Pas mal du tout, merci pour la news !!
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25 avril 2011, 12:02
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Toujours en grande forme ce CUSBL et très suivi.
Merci à tous pour les améliorations (incessantes) de ces derniers temps ^^
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27 avril 2011, 15:02
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La version 68c est en ligne elle ajoute la langue turque et corrige un bug sur certaines jaquettes en mode coverflow (comme sur cette image).

cfg v68c (bugfix)
* Fixed occasional corrupted cover in coverflow modes
* Added Turkish translation - TR.lang
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