La méthode passe par WUPclient :
v1.4 fw.img on NAND@Yardape8000 Yardape8000 released this 2 hours ago** Be careful to follow the instructions exactly. I take no responsibility for bricked Wii U's.**This mod will allow you to install the custom firmware on NAND so SD will not be required.Follow the usual method to install the Haxchi rom.zip.While still in WUPclient, create a directory to store the firmware in.w.mkdir("/vol/storage_mlc01/FW",644)then copy the firmware from SD to NANDw.cp("/vol/storage_sdcard/fw.img", "/vol/storage_mlc01/FW/fw.img")if it does not copy from SD you may have to mount the SD.mount_sd()