Host the "www" folder and run the browser exploit twice to launch it.How to setup your SD cardthe Homebrew Launcher lists all elf files located in this folder:sd:/wiiu/apps/<folder you want>/It will read these 3 files:Filename.elfmeta.xmlicon.pngThe meta.xml is the same format used by The Homebrew Channel (Wii)The icon.png is twice the size (256x96px) as HBC.How to launch elf from the networkYou can send an elf file directly to your console though your wifi connection.Currently, only SendElf has been tested.Other tools like wiiload or TransmitMii might work, please test them.How to add homebrew from the networkYou can send a zip package to HBL with Sendelf, the zip will be decompressed and automatically installed into the /apps/ folder.pack your filename.elf, meta.xml and icon.png into a zip, rename the zip to the folder name you want to create and send it through the network.How to compile elf file for this Homebrew LauncherA hello world example is available here:You can also check the ftpiiU or even homebrew launcher sources.All launched homebrew will automatically return to the launcher when exiting them.LimitationCurrently only ELF files of up to 6.5 MB are supported.Is my homebrew compatible?You will probably have to recompile your project to make it compatible with this homebrew launcher.if you compiled your application to be located at the address 0x00802000 it will work.You can specify the address by editing the linker parameter like this:-Wl,--section-start,.init=0x00802000Is loadiine working?Yes.Loadiine and ftpiiU have been tested.Launching Miimaker will reload the Homebrew launcher, except with Loadiine which will reload loadiine. you need to exit loadiine (home button) to return to the homebrew launcher.Help wantedWe are looking for new, better, icon for the homebrew launcher.maybe one for loadiine gx2 too.We are also open to any new suitable background sound.