JK_ nous partage son manageur de sauvegardes pour nos consoles 3DS. Celui-ci est au format CIA est peut se lancer directement sans avoir à passer par le HBL. L'Homebrew supprimera automatiquement la nouvelle protection mise en place par Nintendo, "secure value", et vous permettra aussi d'extraire et d'importer les ExData si le titre en question les utilisent.
This is a save manager you can install as a CIA. This means no more booting into the homebrew menu and rebooting to import and export saves.
Testing has shown that it doesn't appear to have any problems with any titles. Thanks to @Gocario, it will automatically delete any secure values.
It can also export and import ExtData IF the title uses it.
I've made it as simple as I can, while keeping the slot feature from my old save manager. I do want to add alphabetical sorting sometime.
When you select backup or restore, you will have to select or create a new slot. If you don't like the input screen, you can create the directories yourself inside the game's export folder.
Save Data is exported to SD:/Saves/[Title]/[Slot Dir]
ExtData is exported to SD:/ExtData/[Title]/[Slot Dir]
Tell me if you have any issues. I've tried my best to get everything 100%, but I'm not perfect.
Lien de téléchargement: https://www.dropbox....anager.zip?dl=0