Le développeur Vaguilar nous propose un émulateur NeoGeo Pocket Color sur la 3DS, pour ce faire, il faut que cette dernière puisse lancer les homebrews ou sinon il faudra l'utiliser via un émulateur comme Citra.

NeoPop-3DSNintendo 3DS port of the NeoPop emulator, based on NeoPop-SDLTo compile, you'll need to devkitARM: http://devkitpro.org...arted/devkitARMTo run, you'll need a 3DS that can run homebrew or use an emulator: https://github.com/citra-emu/citraThe project is a work in progress. Currently missing are things like a proper ROM selection GUI, sound, save states, etc. Roms go in a folder called "neogeo" in the root of your SD card.You can find the NeoPop-SDL homepage at http://www.nih.at/NeoPop-SDL/and the NeoPop core homepage at http://neopop.emuxhaven.net/Licensed under GPLv2NeoPop for 3ds. An ugly port by Seagal.Howto:copy neopop folder to 3ds folder on your 3ds sdcardCopy a .ngc file into neopop folder and rename it to rom.ngcExecute neopop.3dsx through homebrew channel(try to) enjoyControls (3ds - ngp):y - startb - aa - bx - exit emulatorI know, the emu is slow, the controls are laggy, there isnt sound, even the neo geo pocket picture is not displayed correctly. But as I will not have more time to touch the code in a month or so, i decided to releases this as is.
Lien de téléchargement : NeoPop (942 Ko) (.3dsx ou .elf)