Par exemple, pour une console glitch et pour faire une nand en kernel 15574 :
xebuild -t glitch -f 15574 -d maslim nandflash.bin.
-t : pour le type de hack utilisé (-t glitch ou -t retail)
-f : version du kernel
-d : nom du dossier contenant vos données
Voici la liste des nombreuses modifications, on retiendra principalement le support du kernel 15574 :
- updated patches to remove CON sig checks, still allowing the patched check to report if the CON was signed by this machine
- updated glitch2 patches to remove CF LDV check (keep in mind updating a fat to 14717+ requires rewiring CPLD for less stable glitching)
- modified [flashfs] category
- can now take longer paths as well as absolute drive paths, spaces not allowed (ie: ..\common\filename or H:\somepath\filename)
- items without a crc will not be sought outside the given path or filename (relative paths are based in the firmware folder, xexp filename mutations will NOT be applied)
- items with a crc will be sought in given path, system update, nandump.bin then common folder
- fix 16M corona smc extraction from nanddump.bin
- correct nandmu option so it properly defaults to false
- add ‘jasperbb’ console target (same as jasper256 and jasper512)
- correct bug in hv patches in 14717/14719
- added smcnoeject and smcnoblink options (only patches jtag/glitch smcs)
- changed glitch image CD patches to not require dynamic patches (should be more stable)
- add 15774